This blog covers topics that interest me in art, computer science, and academia.
My homepage, with academic papers and other links, is here:
The opinions here are mine alone, and do not represent those of any institutions I’m affiliated with.
Book Reviews on Consciousness and Intelligence
Distortion and Multiperspective in Art and Photography
My journey in art and computing, so far (SIGGRAPH Award Talk)
Judgments that get in the way of making art
Why Evolution Isn’t Just Optimization
Perspective Distortions: Why Normal Cameras Make Faces Look Weird
Visual Illusions Explainable by the Limitations of Peripheral Vision
The Illusion of Awareness: Why We See Much Less Than We Think We Do
Computer Graphics Research As Scientific Modeling of Pictures
“That’s Not Art:” Art Worlds Define Art Differently
Three Types of Art Technologies
What is Creativity? Can Computers Be Creative?
Why Industry Research Labs Should Publish
How and Why I Blog
Reminiscence: My first SIGGRAPHs
Occluding Contour Breakthroughs Part 3: Which Algorithm Should I Use (or Research)?
Occluding Contour Breakthroughs, Part 2: Getting It Right
Occluding Contour Breakthroughs, Part 1: A Surprisingly Hard Problem
Computer Science Venues Should Publish Position Papers
The Curse of Performative User Studies
Can You Tell If A Painting Came From A Photograph?
Notes on the Hockney-Falco Thesis, and “Tim’s Vermeer”
Changing Melodies: Art and Research are Often Open-Ended Exploration
A Catalog of “AI” Art Analogies
When Machines Change Art
Status Quo Bias
Artworks as Experiments
Amateurs: Making Art at Technological Cutting-Edges
Four Important Eras that Define Art
Useful Ways to Talk About of Art (Definitions, Part 2)
Confusing Definitions of Art (Definitions, Part 1)
We Aren’t Just Computers
How Photography Became An Art Form
SIGGRAPH Papers Committee Notes: 2022, and the future
Two Recent Art Books
Creative Explorations with DALL-E 2
Photography is not Objective, Art is a Set of Choices
Why Dark and Light is Complicated in Photographs
How Does Perspective Work in Pictures?
The Skill Learning Curve
How to Draw Pictures, Part 4: Line Thickness
Why Does Line Drawing Work? A Realism Hypothesis
Questions for Computational Creativity Research
Art is Fundamentally Social
The Life-Cycle of AI Art Techniques
To Buy or Not To Buy CryptoArt
Suggestions for Computer Vision Review Processes
Understanding Visual Art as Computation: A Hypothetical Book Introduction
How I Began to Appreciate Robot Painting
Why DeepDream Dreams of Doggies
Learning from Painting, Part 6: Abstract Painting
Learning from Painting, Part 5: Embracing Digital Painting
Learning from Painting, Part 4: Time and Speed
Learning from Painting, Part 3: Planning and Strategy
Quantitative Evaluation Isn’t Everything
Learning from Painting, Part 2: The Goal
Learning from Painting, Part 1: Art is a Process
Dreaming and Sampling
Painting in Karies
How to Draw Pictures, Part 3: Style
How to Draw Pictures, Part 2: Suggestive Contours
How to Draw Pictures, Part 1: Contours
What if CVPR is a Graphics Conference?
Bits on Academic Writing: Footnotes, Actually, Semantics
Technical Paper Rebuttals Aren’t Just For “Factual Errors”
What is Contemporary Art?
What is “What is Art?”
SIGGRAPH Should Add A Conference Paper Track
Book Reviews on Understanding Art
Apparent Ridges, Edges, and Perception of Line Drawing
Why Edge Detection Doesn’t Explain Line Drawing
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